Ovico Gallery

Blood of the Lamb

Size:                              40″ x 24″
Medium:                        Oil/Acrylic on Canvas
Year:                              2013
By:                                 Chike Onuorah
Original:                       SOLD
Giclée:                           $1,700
Paper Print (11×14):    $150

Precious blood of Jesus Christ

Lamb of God in whom we trust

Shed on the cross of Calvary

What a burden of sin to carry

A gift so precious and so rare

Whom the Father gave to carry

Eternal love to man you bring

Love divine straight from the King

Blood of Jesus wipe away our sin

Love divine cleanse me from within

Oh! Precious Blood of the Lamb

Cleanse me precious Blood of the Lamb

            ~ D’Artist Chike Onuorah


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Limited Edition Giclée, Paper Print