Ovico Gallery


Land of Abundance

Land of Abundance Acrylic on Canvas48″x 76.5″ 2020 Chike Onuorah Land of promise land of growth Land with multiple possibilities Given freely to the whole world Given to all with a grateful heart………. Call: +1(904) 789 2039 REQUEST INFORMATION

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Love Song

Love Song Oil/Acrylic on Canvas20″ X 16″ 2004 Chike Onuorah Play that old song That melts my heart Play that sweet song That melts my soul……. Call: +1(904) 789 2039 REQUEST INFORMATION

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Riverine Experience

Riverine Experience Oil/Acrylic on Canvas24″ x 40″ 2013 Chike Onuorah Water, water everywhere Green vegetation all abound Nature’s presence seen out here Visibly spread out all around Call: +1(904) 789 2039 REQUEST INFORMATION

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Beautiful Mind

Beautiful Mind Oil on Canvas48″ X 32″ 2016 Chike Onuorah It never takes a beautiful mind So much time to understand It never takes a little child So much time to stretch a hand……. Call: +1(904) 789 2039 REQUEST INFORMATION

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Simply Shy

Simply Shy Oil/Acrylic on Canvas40″ x 24″ 2013 Life happens to everyone  Many stories yet untold Think you are the only one Until others’ tales unfold………. Call: +1(904) 789 2039 REQUEST INFORMATION

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Music of the Soul

Music of the Soul Oil on Canvas40″ x 24″ 2014 Hear the sound coming from the deepThe sound that makes plains steepWaking up the sensitivities of lifeHeralding the antidote to strife……. Call: +1(904) 789 2039 REQUEST INFORMATION

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Passion of Christ

Passion of Christ Oil on Canvas40″ x 24″ 2013 He took the strokes for you and IGreat jabs to make one wonder whyHow could a man be filled with loveFor all the hate nothing but love……. Call: +1(904) 789 2039 REQUEST INFORMATION

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