Ovico Gallery


Last Supper

Last Supper Oil on Canvas 36″ x 50″ 2017 Chike Onuorah The disciples gathered It was their last supper The Prince of Peace prayed The time was getting closer….. Call: +1(904) 789 2039 REQUEST INFORMATION

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Heat of the Moment

Heat of the Moment Acrylic on Canvas48″ x 32″ 2016 Chike Onuorah In the heat of the momentComes passion unbelievableIn the heat of the momentCome ideas unfathomable…….. Call: +1(904) 789 2039 REQUEST INFORMATION

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Stroke of Genius

Stroke of Genius Oil on Canvas20″ X 16″ 2004 Chike Onuorah Master your art, know your drift For what you are lies in your gift Never take the flow for granted There lies your essence planted……… Call: +1(904) 789 2039 REQUEST INFORMATION

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